Warping, thermal expansion and metal.

Metal is variable
Metals are originally natural materials that undergo an artificial refining process to become usable. This process strengthens the disadvantages of the original metal and transforms it into a longer-lasting, more usable material, but each metal still has what might be called a characteristic material function. For example, functions such as swelling and warping with heat are generally present in all metals, but at different temperatures individually. Some materials change at low temperatures but are stable and do not change much at high temperatures, while others change only at certain temperatures. Furthermore, some materials are not stable when combined with certain materials, while others are subject to chemical reactions depending on the surface treatment.
The kind that can also be called infinite
Furthermore, there is an almost infinite variety of metals. In terms of metals in advanced fields, there is a mountain of materials that even we have never heard of before. Metals as artificially strengthened materials are transforming their appearance into countless values in order to meet the needs of society. However, for us in the architectural field, there are already only a few materials that have become mainstream, but it is still difficult to expand the possibilities of metal or get new ideas just by knowing that much, so we need to keep our antennae up all the time. On the other hand, there are various methods of decorative treatment that we work with. Some are chemical reactions, others involve spraying high-temperature materials or quenching. At this point, we need to mobilise not only our understanding of the material, but also our experience in processing and our knowledge of chemical reactions. This is why research and development is necessary, and this has enabled us to accumulate a great deal of knowledge and apply it to decorative treatments. Metal is a living and variable substance. To ensure that we do not forget this, we are doing our utmost to identify the signs of warping and thermal expansion.