Commitment to the SDGs
AICHI METAL is committed to the SDGs. Based on our management philosophy of "pursuing the potential of metals and taking on the challenge of creating new value through metals," we are working to address important issues by organically linking "ESG," "SDGs," and ISO9001.
ESG: Environment, Social, and Governance
SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals
ISO9001: An international certification standard for quality management systems established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Specific ActionsImportant Issue 1: Establishment of environmentally friendly business
Utilize the characteristics of metals, eliminate waste, and reuse and recycle for the future.
Products that are disposed of after being ordered or purchased from AICHI METAL are reused and made into new products, taking advantage of metal's ability to be reborn not just once, but many times over, to connect them to the future.
Design to eliminate material loss and accumulation of know-how to eliminate production loss

Related major SDGs

esg: Society (Social) Key Issue (2) Improvement of Customer Satisfaction
Consistent In-House Production System
AICHI METAL has established an integrated in-house production system that covers everything from consultation to actual measurement, design proposals, manufacturing, installation, and after-sales service. This customer-oriented business system enhances our image of safety and security and increases customer trust.

Related major SDGs

esg: Society (Social) Key Issue (2) Enhancing Customer Satisfaction
Consistent In-House Production System
AICHI METAL has established an integrated in-house production system that covers everything from consultation to actual measurement, design proposals, manufacturing, construction, and after-sales service. This customer-oriented business system enhances our image of safety and security and increases customer trust.

Related major SDGs

ESG: Social
Key Issue (3) Ensuring quality and improving technical capabilities
Expanding global technology and design know-how in Japan
AICHI METAL is not only acquiring global technologies through alliances with overseas companies but is also focusing on expanding these technologies in Japan by combining them with its original technologies. For example, in the field of architectural metal products such as "VeroMetal®," AICHI METALS is developing products that combine metalworking and other craftsmanship with overseas design. Other examples include the import and sale of the luxury Italian furniture brand "De Castelli," which disseminates the design of Italian products.

Related major SDGs

ESG: Social
Key Issue 3: Ensuring quality and improving technological capabilities
AICHI METAL is focusing not only on acquiring global technologies through alliances with overseas companies but also on expanding these technologies domestically by combining them with its original technologies. For example, in the field of architectural metal products such as "VeroMetal®," we are developing products that combine metalworking and other craftsmanship with overseas design. Other examples include the import and sale of the luxury Italian furniture brand "De Castelli," which disseminates the design of Italian products.

Related major SDGs

ESG: Social
Key Issue 4: Coexistence with stakeholders
Provide products that value partnerships
We collaborate with our internal staff and external stakeholders to provide advanced and well-designed overseas products in addition to architectural products that give shape to any kind of selfish desires through custom-made, free design. We create valuable products.
Technical education for young people overseas
AICHI METAL provides technical education for young people overseas. We will not only pass on our technology to young people but also educate them so that they can utilize and expand their skills in their own countries.

Related major SDGs

ESG: Corporate Governance
Key Issue 5: Strengthen management foundation and ensure compliance
Comply with laws and corporate ethics while strengthening management foundations
After obtaining ISO 9001 certification in 2013 (registration number RQ2201: Japan Testing Center for Construction Materials), we are promoting operations in each department by utilizing our quality management system. We are continuously improving our operations by repeating Plan (Planning), Do (Execution), Check (Evaluation), and Action (Improvement). We are also committed to the SDGs, building a strong management foundation and enhancing public trust in us as a company that complies with laws and corporate ethics and offers high-quality products.

Related major SDGs

AICHI METAL has set ISO9001 quality targets based on the five ESG material issues and related SDGs and is working to achieve the SDG goals.
We aim to achieve the SDG goals.