Technical Case Studies

I think of packaging as a part of metal processing, even though it involves the use of non-metallic packaging materials in terms of the ‘expression’ of the final deliverable. Rather, we have recently realised, to our embarrassment, that we should think of it that way. This is because we received a scolding from a customer. ‘I am disappointed that you bring such an expensive item in such a messy packaging.’ This made us feel bitterly sorry for ourselves. Of course, we had always transported and installed the equipment in the safest way we could think of. But it was just an ‘intention’. This is where we start to think about packaging.
Meet the artist
It was an artist who came to our rescue. This artist, who has worked with us before on the Noto project, has a unique background in that he handles all the packaging for a gallery. According to him, the secret of packaging is to “”just think carefully””. He says that the secret of packaging is to think carefully, and to make people who see it think about what’s inside, feel safe and satisfied. Even the packaging materials are carefully examined and thoroughly considered to determine what is best in terms of function, appearance and branding. This was a learning experience in any case. At the same time, it has given us the opportunity to review our entire operation. Packing with the construction process, the delivery location and even the client’s face in mind was just one of the best ways to think about ‘our quality’. Thus, we have begun to innovate our packaging. And the effects are immediately visible both internally and externally. As one of our ‘surface treatments’, we are convinced that it brings more than enough new value.