Technical Case Studies

We apply thermal spraying technology to our coatings. The purpose of this is to prevent corrosion of the steel material and to create an uneven surface on which the coating is applied, thereby preventing the paint film from peeling off. It has already become one of our basic technologies, as it gives a unique texture to the surface. However, this is only a preliminary step. We have therefore gone one step further and have continued to search for ways to realise decorative treatment on the thermal sprayed substrate itself and utilise it as a ‘finished component’ as well. This is because the pear-shaped surface unique to thermal spraying has an indescribable taste, and many clients prefer this finish. Ironically, however, it is also the pear-shaped surface that has prevented the development of such a finish. So we have been experimenting with every possible treatment agent to see if a decorative finish could be achieved. As a result, we have developed a method to convert the sprayed material into a black finish. This allows a black leather-like colour to be achieved as a surface treatment for materials that used to be bright silver after thermal spraying.
Demonstration tests with the final two companies products
Eventually, we got to the point where we used treatments from two different companies and were able to derive significant results on both sides. Further research has concluded that the difference between the blackest and the least black finish is due to the anti-corrosion function in the treatment agent itself. Naturally, these effects have been found to be similar for other products, as the treatments are required to be durable when finishing components. On the other hand, as a final decorative treatment, we want the finish to look the way we want it to look, which brings up the issue that it is difficult to control the finish with products on the market or with treatments used as finishers for final products in the first place. We are continuing to communicate with the manufacturers of these finishing agents, and this, combined with the fact that we are now making progress in acquiring technology within the company that allows us to control this to a certain extent, is making a significant contribution to creating a richer metal look.